The SEO of a website is more than just the scattering of keywords. It also means more than just achieving a page 1 ranking in the search engines. Websites should be built primarily for your visitors, with search engine friendliness a close second. It's all very well to focus entirely on Search Engine Promotion and get a number 1 ranking, but what good is all that work when the people who are visiting your site take one look at it and would rather take their business elsewhere? When planning your website design and development, make sure that the designer you are using is aware of SEO and how to create a search engine friendly website. If they're not, bring in your SEO consultant initially to advise and work with the designer to get the best results. Waiting until your website is complete before beginning the SEO process can be a costly, frustrating and complicated mistake. Having a search engine friendly design will lay a solid foundation to build your Built To Last SEO...