Costa Rica has long been a popular retirement destination for retirees from around the world because of its natural beauty, friendly people and proximity to the United States. This Central American country is located between Nicaragua and Panama (to the north and south) and the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean (to the east and west). Although it is more expensive than some other Central and South American countries, there are still many affordable places there to discover. Retirement for Costa Ricans The retirement age in Costa Rica is 62 years old for men and 60 years old for women and the majority of the country's population has a pension plan. This pension plan has a contributory system funded by the employer, the employee and the State; and a House for rent in Costa Rica non-contributory component which is a compulsory savings plan financed by the State and the Fondo de Desarrollo Social y Asignaciones Familiares (FODESAF). Between these two pensions, 70% of th...