Most people who make wine, like to make the regular one (sweet or dry) that can be consumed with every meal and for every occasion. However now and then it is interesting to make wine that is sparkling, which goes for those special occasions and those parties. Sparkling wine comes to mind here. Some people might find intimidating the thought of making it, however the process is not difficult at all.


The term sparkling for the wine comes from the wine being carbonated to get that pricking feeling in the mouth. But don't get confused, not all sparkling is champagne. Champagne is a word that is mostly used in France, in the Champagne region. best italian sparkling wine For example the Spanish people call it Cava and the Italians Prosecco.


No matter which term is used for it, making sparkling wine is the same process in every country. You first start with white wine then add sugar and yeast, then cork the wine so that you have the carbon dioxide starting to build up. This is when the wine becomes sparkling.

If you've never tried aking sparkling wine, now would be a good chance to give it a go. You'll see that you will enjoy it greatly.


First you use white wine which is a bit more acidic in taste. The more acidic the drink, the more flavor you will feel in the final result.


Then you add the sugar and the yeast for the carbonation process to start. Avoid too much sugar though so that you avoid any accidents due to too much carbonation. The bottle can actually explode if you add too much to it.


Once the sugar and yeast are added with the proper measurements, it is time to bottle the wine. Use swing cap bottles with a metal rod that is attached to the cork to have best results. This helps pressurize the wine in the bottle and make it nice sparkling. Avoid filling the glass completely. You need to leave approximately two inches of space so that there is enough space for the carbonation. If you don't leave enough space, you might end up with exploding bottles before you get to actually enjoy your drink.



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